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A VS程度
B SI程度
C それ以下
All in-stock items will be processed and shipped within five business days. We offer international shipping to all addresses around the world. Customers are responsible for any taxes or duties imposed by their local government, and our store is not liable for these charges, so please check the rates beforehand. Orders under $10,000 will be shipped and insured via UPS or FedEx second-day air, while items over this price will be shipped and insured via UPS or FedEx next-day air. These costs will be added to the total order price. Once the order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number. We fully insure each item for the final purchase price, from the time it is in transit until it arrives at its destination, and a recipients signature is required upon delivery. Please note that our store cannot be held responsible for delays caused by severe weather or other unexpected conditions on the part of the shipper.